Galerie SANAA
Jansdam 2
3512 HB Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0)30 2367242
open wo t/m za 12.00 - 18.00 uur
en op afspraak

Nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Schrijf u hier in.
matea bakula  | steen matea bakula  | zonder titel kostana banovic | work on paper, detail kostana banovic | containing the sacred, still video

Skin of Work, Kostana Banovic, Matea Bakula


Over de expositie

Opening 22 nov 19.00 Bart Rutten (directeur Centraal Museum)

Banovic focuses on rituals in daily life and their celebration. Bakula shows us beauty in everyday materials by transforming the skin and showing what is hidden beneath the surface.