Galerie SANAA
Jansdam 2
3512 HB Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0)30 2367242
open wo t/m za 12.00 - 18.00 uur
en op afspraak

Nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Schrijf u hier in.
Carien Vugts | Motacilla alba Carien Vugts | Aquila chrysaetos Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi | Untitled, 2018 Luis Maly  | Masouri, Agrafa mountain tops series, wall pieces Luis Maly  | Delimidi, Agrafa Mpuntains tops series wall-pieces Luis Maly  | Kazarma, Agrafa mountain tops series wall-pieces Option Dzikamai Nyahunzvi | Untitled, 2018 Hadas Lieber | Circulair Hadas Lieber | Aards, 2023 Hadas Lieber | Extension,

Any living thing - Hadas Lieber, Luis Maly, Carien Vugts, Option Dzikamai


Over de expositie

Opening Zaterdag 9 maart 17.00-19.00

You are surrounded by birds, mountain animals, creatures and people in this groupexhibition. Some are connected to the earth, others to the mountains, and the bare reality of greenwashing, some recall a more fabulous world.

Hadas Lieber will show an installation a procession of creatures, birds and people. They are fragments: of imagination, history and collective myths. Some figures protect others by spreading their wings over them.

Luis Maly shows the Agrafa Mountains Tops wall-pieces of mountain animals. Luis Maly visited these mountains (GR) where the largest wind turbine park of Europe is about to be built, researching  the true environmental sustainability of emerging green technologies. Carien Vugts shows work on paper - a cohabitation of birds and insects, part of landscapes that form a dreamlike, magically realistic world. Option Dzikamai drawings are inspired by the family, ancestors, the culture were he came from.