Galerie SANAA
Jansdam 2
3512 HB Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0)30 2367242
open wo t/m za 12.00 - 18.00 uur
en op afspraak

Nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Schrijf u hier in.
Jean David Nkot | Archéologie des visages 2, 2022 Ajarb Bernard Ategwa | woman portrait, 2024 Alida Ymele | les reines du quotidien, 2024 Ajarb Bernard Ategwa | Reme them for market, Alida Ymele | les reines du quotidien Jean David Nkot | Archéologie des visages, 2022 Alida Ymele | les reines du quotidien, 2024 Boris Anje Tabufor | Restoration, 2024, Boris Anje Tabufor | Africa your time is now, 2024 Alida Ymele | les reines du quotidien, oasis des gestes, 2024 Joél Mpah Dooh | fragile like flowers Boris Anje Tabufor | DJATANCE FRAGILE, 2017 Jean David Nkot | Les pommes # discorde, 2021

Resilience artists from Cameroon


Over de expositie

Ajarb Bernard Ategwa (1988, Kumba) • Alida Ymele (1994, Dschang) • Anjel (Boris Anje) (1993, Bamenda) • Jean-David Nkot (1989, Douala) • Joel Mpah Dooh (1954, Nkongsamba).

Resilient is how the late Okwui Enwezor called the Africans. The artists in this show are from Cameroon, in their work they picture daily life in their colorful, dynamic and chaotic hometown Douala. Resilience and leadership is what we see in the vibrant paintings on view: beautiful black bodies, colorful faces, seductive attitudes, stylish outfits, and powerful expressions. In search for freedom to express their potentials and show it to the world.

Gallery SANAA is thrilled to show the works of these emering and established artists in the Netherlands!

Jo-Anneke van der Molen is co-curator

Opening Sunday 8 september 15.00, by Jo-Anneke van der Molen in the presence of the Cameroon Embassy