Galerie SANAA
Jansdam 2
3512 HB Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0)30 2367242
open wo t/m za 12.00 - 18.00 uur
en op afspraak

Nieuwsbrief ontvangen? Schrijf u hier in.
Joyce Overheul | Naval Mine, 2017 Cecilia Rebergen | Lineair A ethiopian genesis #5, 2017 Guy Vording | Black Pages III: men of all ages have known, 2018 Joyce Overheul | She was given an explanation, Para ti, Maria Hernandez, 2018 Benine du Toit | All the same, 2018 Robert Roest | Img 1 (Suck-kissing remora and the sloughing of a skin). 2016 Guy Vording | Black Pages I: He was most worried man, 2017 Cecilia Rebergen | Doily (red cedar, Lineair A), 2018 Guy Vording | Black Pages III: no further, 2018 Robert Roest | Img 4 (Suck-kissing remora and the sloughing of a skin), 2016 Benine du Toit | District 9, 2018 Mariaan van den Berg  |  Two Frogs, 2017 Guy Vording | Black Pages I: The dying home, 2017 Guy Vording | an efficient housewife, 2018 Cecilia Rebergen | Lineair A Ethiopian Genesis #4, 2018 Mariaan van den Berg  | Frog Jungle, 2018 Guy Vording | Black pages I: work of an abandoned summer, 2017 Joyce Overheul | She was warned, Para ti, Maria Hernandes, 2018 Mariaan van den Berg  | Frog embryo, 2018 Cecilia Rebergen | Lineair A Ethiopean Genesis Grid, 2017 Benine du Toit | Crowded (Series), 2018 Robert Roest | Img 5 (Suck-kissing remora and the sloughing of a skin), 2016 RaQuel van Haver | Shrine of Deity, 2017 Cecilia Rebergen | Meubius#1, 2018 Joyce Overheul | Nevertheless she persisted, Para ti, Maria Hernandez, 2018 Guy Vording | Black Pages I: unhappy to live, 2017 Cecilia Rebergen | Lineair A.0 (Single symbol), 2017 Benine du Toit | Crowded (Series), 2018

Young Utrecht Delight


Over de expositie

Galerie Sanaa presents Young Utrecht Delight. Showing the combined but diverse work of young HKU alumni. Jessica Skowroneck shows pure paintings that radiates with light. RaQuel van Haver is interested in the interaction and abrasion between identity, background and ethnicity. Guy Vording looks for photographs and texts that almost always have to do with events where the control is lost. In the sculptural paintings of Cecilia Rebergen she searches for the boundaries of the painted object. Joyce Overheul creates and manipulates human behavior and confronts people with their own actions through multiple media. Benine du Toit analyses tensions, emotion and reluctance toward one another in South Africa. Mariaan van den Berg focuses on adaptability through her spacial works. The work of Robert Roest is visually rooted in both the contemporary world of new media as in the history of painting.

In de pers

Lucy in de lucht over Young Utrecht Delight lees wat Marjolein Witte schrijft.