Galerie SANAA
Jansdam 2
3512 HB Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0)30 2367242
open wo t/m za 12.00 - 18.00 uur
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Fatima Barznge | Study of square zamzam #18, 30x30 cm, 2023 Fatima Barznge | Still-life from Iraq # 1, acrylic on canvas, 50x50 cm, 2015 Fatima Barznge | My lost paradise #3, acrylic on paper, 2013 Fatima Barznge | Still-life from Iraq # 2, acrylic on canvas, 50x50 cm, 2015 Fatima Barznge | Study of square zamzam #14, 40x40 cm, 2019 Fatima Barznge | a house from clay, 2014 Fatima Barznge | Untitled, 2012 Fatima Barznge | Study of square zamzam #17, 160 x120 cm , 2023

Khatt (line/script) on the wall, solo Fatima Barznge


Over de expositie


Opening 18 November 16.00-18.00.

With great pleasure SANAA Gallery presents the second solo exhibition of Fatima Barznge (Iraq/Kurdistan, 1968)   Khatt خط(line/script) on the wall. In fragile lines, Fatima interweaves patterns and cultures and draws lines between them, bringing her story sotto voce to life.

In this exhibition, Fatima shows works on paper and on canvas, combined with murals.

Study of Square (2017-2023), is a series central to this exhibition in which she explores the possibilities of geometric shapes, inspired by the visual image of medieval Islamic art and Western abstract art. Her free and soft geometric lines come from her fascination with the patterns and structures of textiles, weaving and embroidery, which used to be an essential part of Kurdish culture. In addition, she is showing a series of works from 2013- 2015, based on photographs she took in 2010, when she returned to her childhood home for the first time after the devastation. She was able to travel back to her childhood village of Aghjalar.

The idea to create murals comes from her work process in recent years on the theme of Islamic art and Calligraphy, most of which were created on wall. Furthermore, this year she was Artist- in- resident at the former home of Rotterdam artist Wally Elenbaas. Then she was inspired by the discoloured cracks and holes created in the walls by the passage of time. She associates it with the series of works Line on the wall by Iraqi artist Shakir Hassan Al Said (1935-2005), of which she has many memories.

Fatima's murals are free sketches, they are background/underground to her work and are meant to add colour to the hard white walls. These sketches also add more dimension to her two- dimensional works.

With the murals, she refers to two different emotions and experiences. On the one hand, the joy of a child drawing on a wall. On the other, the tragedy from the time of her childhood when people used a wall as a place and space for communication, illustration of thoughts and freedom of expression in a country of war and oppression. 

She wants to use the combination of works on paper, on canvas and mural to bring together the influences and relationship between different techniques and materials, between time and space, between the visual (perception) and the non-visual (memories).

Fatima’s work is supported by Mondriaan Fund, The Netherlands

Opening Saterday 18 November 16.00 –18.00.

In her Kufic/calligraphy project Fatima experimented with the Arabic letter H. Thisletter was everywhere on walls in her youth. The H is the first letter of war, love and freedom and, for Fatima, symbolizes the intertwinement of these 3. In her murals in the solo the H is present.

The exhibition is also a homage to Line on the wallby Iraqi artist Shakir Hassan Al Said (1935-2005) of which she has many memories.

During the opening  Saterday 18 November we want to reflect on the deaths of innocent people, Palestinians and Israelis. Civilians are the victims of the ongoing struggle.  It is inhumane. We support the global plea for a ceasefire and hope that the war will soon come to an end in Gaza.

Worldwide, there is an increasing polarisation and we want through mutual exchange, sharing views keep in touch. Art can be a connecting factor, Fatima Barznge brings war, love and freedom together in this exhibition.